The Inner Game for Twice-Exceptional Kids


6 Tuesdays from 8:00-9:00pm ET
To register, contact

Twice-exceptional kids often struggle with self-acceptance, frustration, anxiety, depression, and other difficult mental and emotional states as a result of the complexity of being bright with challenges. They are smart enough to see what they could accomplish if they weren’t also dealing with their powerful limitations. They need tools to deal with this frustration.

As a parent, you want them to succeed at the big tasks of life. You want them to have friends, do well enough in school to have employment choices later, and find as much happiness as possible. You are probably dealing with your own anxiety and fear of failure.

In this program, you will learn an approach to supporting your children that reduces your anxiety and tools that will help your children have helpful, compassionate, and motivating relationships with themselves.

You will learn:

  • A coaching approach to working with your children that will help them use their strengths effectively, develop their confidence, and see themselves as resourceful and competent learners rather than as broken.
  • Tools and techniques that you can use for yourself and with your children.
  • Methods for teaching the tools and techniques to your kids.
  • Tools for conquering self-doubt and perfectionism.
  • Techniques for developing self-compassion.
  • Ways to cope with frustration, fear of failure, fear of rejection, and anxiety.
  • An approach to reward systems that increases your child’s inner motivation.

The program is delivered as 6 online classes with supporting written materials.

6 60-minute classes
To register, contact