Gifted 201 – All the Things You Didn’t Know to Ask


Were you identified as gifted as a child? Were you not identified when all of your friends or siblings were? Do you have gifted or twice-exceptional kids who remind you of your childhood?

Most adults who were identified as gifted as children or misidentified as not gifted were told little to nothing about the characteristics that often accompany a high iq: intensity, perfectionism, empathy, anxiety, depression, androgyny, multi-potentiality, relationship challenges, allergies, asthma, auto immune issues, and more. Being smart has side effects, but it doesn’t mean you are broken.



Were you identified as gifted as a child? Were you not identified when all of your friends or siblings were? Do you have gifted or twice-exceptional kids who remind you of your childhood?

Most adults who were identified as gifted as children or misidentified as not gifted were told little to nothing about the characteristics that often accompany a high iq: intensity, perfectionism, empathy, anxiety, depression, androgyny, multi-potentiality, relationship challenges, allergies, asthma, auto immune issues, and more. Being smart has side effects, but it doesn’t mean you are broken.

Presenter: Kate Arms

Part of the Thriving with Complexity webinar series. Recorded on July 5, 2019.

For the complete series, check out the Thriving with Complexity Archive Membership.

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